Monday, January 4, 2016

Starting Now.

(This blog will be dedicated to assignments for my Photography course. For my other photographs and edits, go to my Tumblr.)

The first assignment is to take two recent photographs and answer a few questions about them.They can't be altered in any way, even cropped.

This first image is a picture of me (yes, I take a lot of selfies and I am not ashamed). This picture was taken around 10 am on November 22, 2015 in my living room. I really like this photo because there were no lights on when I took it; all of the light is natural light, which is really flattering. I was about to go to my grandmother's for Thanksgiving and thus had done my makeup, which is, I think, the main focal point of this photo. Even though it was just taken with my iPhone, I think it looks fairly high quality.

This photo is a little less recent: I took it at Cox Arboretum last June, in the early afternoon. The subject of the photo is a cute little chipmunk, who let me get surprisingly close to him to take this picture. I took this with my GE Digital Camera X5. I like it because I felt some weird connection with the chipmunk while I was taking this. It also follows the rule of thirds pretty well, which I didn't even notice when I took the picture.